FAST Frogs Volunteer Information
Welcome to the 2024 FAST Frogs swim season! We will have 6 meets this year, including CHAMPS. FAST Frogs is run by parent volunteers and without approximately 100 volunteers for every swim meet, it is impossible to have these swim meets run efficiently. We require that at least one parent from every family volunteer at every meet in which your child swims.
Volunteer sign up this year will be done within the FAST Frogs website ( www.fastfrogs.net). When you sign up your child for a swim meet, the next step is for the parent to sign up for a volunteer job for that meet. In the event we are short of volunteers, additional reminder emails will be sent to all parents about volunteering.
Volunteer Positions Available
Age Group Parents: The Age Group Parent receives a heat sheet for their age swimmers. They are responsible for managing the swimmers and reporting anyone absent to the Meet Director prior to the start of the meet. Age Group Parents for the younger swimmers escort the swimmers to the ready bench for each event to prevent them getting lost. Three (3) Age Group Parents are required for 6 & Under Boys and Three (3) are required for 6 & Under Girls. All other age groups need two (2) parents for each group. The additional groups consist of 7 & 8 boys, 7 & 8 girls, 9 & 10 boys, 9 & 10 girls, 11 & 12 boys, 11 & 12 girls, 13 & 14 boys, 13 & 14 girls, 15 – 18 boys and 15 – 18 girls.
Announcer: The Announcer is responsible for making announcements including calling upcoming races as well as maintaining a lively atmosphere by making sure music is playing music.
Awards/Ribbons: The Awards/Ribbons volunteer is responsible for getting the ribbons ready after each event by placing the awards labels on each ribbon. The ribbons will need to be organized by child and age group. The ribbons from the swim meet will be given to the kids on Monday during swim practice.
Clean Up/Take Down: The volunteers for Clean Up/Take Down are responsible for helping the meet officials pack up all the equipment, including the tents, and loading them into the cargo trailer at the end of the meet. Once the swim meet is completed, this crew will take down all equipment and clean up the area...essentially leaving the pool area the same or better than when we first arrived on scene.
Computer Operator: The Computer Operator enters times during the meet and prepares printouts for the ribbons personnel.
Concessions: Concessions volunteers run the concession stand throughout the meet. The first shift will assist with set-up and the second shift will assist with clean-up of the concessions area.
False Start Technician: The False Start Technician should closely watch and listen to the starter. If a false start occurs, he/she should immediately drop the false start rope into the pool in the path of the swimmers, while retaining a grip on the rope. As the swimmers near the rope, the False Start Technician will raise the rope to stop the swimmers.
Floaters: The Floater volunteers are available to fill in wherever there is a need to make the meet run smoothly. This person can fill various positions during the meet. Examples include timer, runner, age group parents, computer operator, ready bench, etc....
Heat Ribbons: The Heat Ribbons volunteer is responsible for giving heat winner ribbons to the winner of each heat in each event.
Hospitality: Hospitality is responsible for making sure all volunteers have water, lemonade, tea, whatever is being served. Almost all volunteers will be in the sun a good part of the day, so we need to make sure everyone stays hydrated!
Marshal – This position is responsible for keeping all non-essential volunteers from behind the blocks on the home swim meets. The only people allowed behind the blocks are the coaches, runners, timers, and swimmers.
Parking Attendant: The parking at our home pool, Gilleland Creek Pool, has two separate parking lots. The Parking Attendants will be responsible for directing traffic to open parking spots during the morning rush! This position arrives early and is only for home swim meets at Gilleland Creek Pool. The shift runs from 6:30am to 8:30am.
Ready Bench: The ready bench is key to keeping the meet on schedule. The ready bench organizes the swimmers into heats before the start of each event. Swimmers must arrive at the ready bench once announced and prior to the start of their event. Ready bench workers must 1) verify each swimmer or relay team in on the heat sheet for the upcoming event, 2) check the official heat sheet to verify that all swimmers are present, and 3) arrange swimmers from both teams into individual heats.
Runners: The Runner is responsible for collecting completed event cards and DQ forms from the timers and judges and delivering them to the computer operator.
Scoring Official: The Scoring Official assists the computer operators by double checking the scoring printouts for accuracy. They are also responsible for posting the results.
Set Up: The volunteers for Set Up arrive prior to the scheduled arrival time of the swimmers and are responsible for helping the meet officials set up Age Group tents, Announcer equipment and Starter equipment.
Starter: The Starter starts each event with the announcement of the age group and event and stroke. The Starter then announces "Swimmers take your mark," pauses to make sure all swimmers are motionless and ready, and then gives an electronic sound to signal the start of the race.
Stroke Judge: The Stroke Judges will work in pairs on each side of the pool with one member of each pair being from the other team. Judges only rule on infractions on their side of the pool. The Stroke Judge observes strokes, turns, and finishes to see that swimmers comply with requirements for that stroke. Should the judges DQ a swimmer, the judge must fill out a DQ form to be given to the runners at the end of every heat.
Tadpole Safety Monitor: This volunteer position essentially is for parents of Tadpoles! This position is a weekly position and you will be required to be at all practices during the week. The purpose of this is to add another set of eyes and ears to the Tadpole group by helping the coaches supervise the children.
Timers: The Timer records a time of the swimmer in the lane to which they are assigned using a stopwatch. The timer writes the time on the heat sheet at the end of the event as a backup copy.
Spirit Committee Volunteer: Volunteers assist with our Fun Social Events such as Family Spirit Night, Dell Diamond Swim Team Night, End of the Year Banquet, Team Photo Night, Bead Distribution, Friday Donuts and more! Volunteers especially needed at each pool at each practice time on Donut and Bead Distribution Days!